Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

Keepsake Baby Paintings

About Me

I am an artist specializing in Keepsake baby paintings, pencil portraits, charcoal, and murals.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Contact Information

Please contact me for more information:

Charlotte Nelson

Keepsake Baby Paintings

My Keepsake Baby Paintings are custom made paintings that contain a myriad of information about a baby's birth, life and family. They are a wonderful gift for families with new babies, or as a gift to anyone who may enjoy having their life put into a painting. Some examples of what is contained in the painting are: Baby's full name, date of birth, weight at birth, length at birth, parent's names, Grandparent's names, sibling's names, pets, the name of the hospital the child was born in, the name of the town or city, I make the room in the painting a replica of the child's actual room by matching the walls, floors, bedding, and furniture. The scene outside the window will be a demonstration of what the weather was like on the day of the child's birth. I can put anything else you would like into your painting, like I've said they are completely custom made.

Colored Pencil

Colored Pencil

Pencil Portraits

Pencil Portraits

Colored Pencil

Colored Pencil